
A note of introduction to explain who the blog writers are and what we hope to achieve here. If you would like to be a guest blogger, please get in contact!

Jim Fuller

Back in 2014, I had the brilliant idea of moving to Italy to teach English, thinking I would stay for a few years, travel and then move on to something else career-wise. Little did I know that the world of ELT would suck me in and keep me in the industry!

Kicking off in Bologna, I began teaching young learners, teens and adults, in between stuffing my face with the mouthwatering food that Italy is famous for (Tortellini alla panna is my favourite!). Soon after, I got word of a Delta Module 1 course and immediately jumped at the opportunity. Seven months of study later, I finished Module 1 – a whirlwind of emotions – and immediately started Module 3, a further seven months of studying and writing. Then, seeking a change of scene, I decided to pick up and move to the Almería, a small town in the south of Spain! Here, I discovered tapas and, needless to say, my waistline suffered slightly. I then took Module 2 via distance – another emotional and developmental roller-coaster. Since moving to Spain, I have completed various courses (e.g. Train the trainer) and am always on the lookout for new and exciting things to do!

Currently, I work as a teacher trainer for The North Station Academy in Zaragoza as well as for Cambridge University Press and Assessment. I am also completing the NILE MADPLE, with a focus on Trainer Development and Management within ELT. And, because I love teacher education so much, I am the admin coordinator of the TTEdSIG committee.