Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task-Based Approach – Week 6

Why not check out the previous weeks’ post, if you haven’t already: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 We are finally here – the last week! This final week has been focused on really making a task from a reading text; in a sense, bringing everything we have learnt over theContinue reading “Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task-Based Approach – Week 6”

Cambridge Train the Trainer – Week 6

This is part of the series Cambridge Train the Trainer. What do trainers look for when observing? This is a pretty big question, something I have read a lot on over the last few years. The answer is… well, many things. It really is largely dependent on the context and purpose of the observation. AnotherContinue reading “Cambridge Train the Trainer – Week 6”